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Alex G

08/06/12 9:47 PM

#312 RE: properlynumb #196

hey numb-nuts, you are wrong on all counts

"gentleman" is certainly in the eye of the beholder isn't it

your definition of a gentleman evidently is someone who posts blatant disgusting lies... as long as someone posts a lie they didn't write then that's okay in your twisted mind

i sent you a couple PMs asking why you ignore the blatant lies of certain irresponsible posters

but like the coward you are you didn't have the ball-sack to respond

so the more valid question is what are YOU afraid of?... the truth obviously

just like your right wing groupies u hang out with, when you get caught in a lie you never admit it, congratulations on supporting liars and incompetent immoral assholes

you are just like willard romney...

also congratulations on supporting voter suppression in Ohio... u may not realize it due to brain damage but you support un-American fascist assholes

don't blame me for your incompetence and lack of integrity

oh, btw... the only reason i continued to post on the board was because i have respect for desrtdriftr... shermann is a pathological liar who u gladly support and YOU are a gibberish peddler, much like ur buddy ixcimi, the insane gibberish peddler

good luck with your mental problems

Alex G

08/07/12 3:17 PM

#313 RE: properlynumb #196

numb nuts, put up or shut up

do you have the nut-sack to tell us whether this is a blatant lie or not?

are you just too stupid to be able to tell an obvious lie from the truth or are you a coward who supports liars? or possibly both

put up or shut up numb nuts

Alex G
Re: shermann7 post# 51805

you are actually just like Willard Romney

you spew lies and have absolutely no shame in doing so... you are nothing less than pitiful

you are willard romney, an incompetent blatant liar... congrats

Quote: Obama Campaign Sues to Restrict Military Voting

Romney Falsely Accuses Obama Campaign Of Trying To Restrict Military Voting Rights

Alex G

08/07/12 5:22 PM

#316 RE: properlynumb #196

oops, more evidence that properly dumb is a liar and coward

you are not banned on this board so you could have responded

just like willard Rmoney you only want to respond "privately"

but you don't have the ball-sack to respond publicly to blatant lies you support and your incompetence

the case is closed... you are a pitiful buffoon
properlynumb Member Profile properlynumb Member Level

Tuesday, August 07, 2012 11:20:30 AM
Re: None
Post # of 52048
Alex, you fuckin' idiot! I can't respond to your personal message when you banned me!
Who's lying now?
Please let me post the private messages you sent me.

Don't like the concept of free speech?