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12/14/10 7:32 PM

#53148 RE: svk2k #53146

its called, covering your arse
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12/14/10 7:36 PM

#53150 RE: svk2k #53146

they claim they never spoke to supatcha in person or phone!

That is a very big problem for them. They have a fiduciary duty as an IR company to make sure they have the information correct BEFORE they distribute it. They now say they got their info from the internet (message boards?) and investors? How do they explain those pump pieces written on their official blog? How do they explain their contractual duties written into their contract with SAEI?

They had better be able to show they never traded one share of this scam.

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12/14/10 7:37 PM

#53152 RE: svk2k #53146

How they know so much then? information box on the investors hub has many information that was known before us. I think wallstbulls use inside information. I think they do it on other stock too. They could buy stock on market right even if they not sell 4 milion shares? Crooks. I hope SEC read my complaint I file with them
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12/14/10 7:39 PM

#53155 RE: svk2k #53146

wallstbulls are probably telling the truth..
until the smoke clears.. time will tell how things will go for now preserve your capitol..

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12/14/10 7:43 PM

#53159 RE: svk2k #53146

The Wall St Bulls Consultant Group Inc Official Statement Regarding Supatcha Resources .

The Wall St Bulls Consultant Group, Inc. (“The Wall St Bulls”) would like to take this time to give our official position and statement regarding our relationship with Supatcha Resources Inc. We officially and publicly state that we no longer represent Supatcha Resources, Inc. (“Supatcha”), in light of the numerous allegations that have recently surfaced against Supatcha, and as a result of Supatcha’s numerous breaches of their Consulting Agreement with us.

We further wish to clarify the nature of our prior communications with Supatcha. Our communication with Supatcha has always been limited solely to emails. We have never once spoken with management in person or over the phone. All of the information we have provided on our website, blogs, and on message boards has been gathered strictly via the internet, third parties, and from press releases issued by Supatcha. We never received any prior knowledge of insider information that would have affected our opinions concerning this company in the past or present. Nor did we believe this was a fraudulent company when we signed our Consulting Agreement with Supatcha. If we had, we would have never been involved.

We further wish to address a number of unsubstantiated rumors that have been spread about our company and the services we provided to Supatcha. To be perfectly clear, we have never written a single press release for Suptacha, and have never received a single press release from Supatcha prior to its public release. We have never received insider information from Supatcha, and we never had any knowledge that this company was fraudulent before, or during our agreement with Supatcha. We refute any claims that we are a part of this company and its alleged illegal activities, and we do not appreciate the derogatory comments or statements made on internet message boards along those lines. We have been both shocked and disappointed in Supatcha for trying to exploit us for their benefit, and will be looking into any and all legal avenues we may have to pursue Supatcha Resources for their activities.

Furthermore, we have not sold any of the 4,000,000 restricted shares we received as payment under our Consulting Agreement, per SEC Rule 144 regulations. We are unable to sell these shares until our restriction period is up after 6 months and we receive an official opinion letter and proper filing with the SEC to do so. At the present time our shares are held in escrow in hard cert form with our attorney until the 6 month period expires.

In closing, we feel that we have been duped by Supatcha just as many of you feel you were, and we will gladly testify in court as well as provide all information to the proper authorities if and when it is needed.

If any investor, or person wishes to contact us, you may do so via email or through our toll free number at 1-800-481-5150.

The Wall St Bulls Consultant Group Inc