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12/13/10 10:53 PM

#12397 RE: ErnieBilco #12395

I am leaning more on your side of the table now since seeing what has been going on here for the past couple months. Today it seemed like more dilution but why would they do this to their shareholders? I mean didn't people ask a bunch of questions today regarding why the PPS was so low? Unless only a select few were allowed to go to this so called event I would expect we would have at least one person on this board who would have gone and filled us all in. I hope CMGR at least runs a little so I can get out of this position without a dreaded R/S.
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12/14/10 12:06 AM

#12405 RE: ErnieBilco #12395

I , sir went through my past post and i apologize if i ever said something bad to you or called you names

im not sad that im down on my cmgr investement/gamble , what hurts me the most is that i didnt recognize this krep and that i wasted so much of my time following it

first of all its amazing that management keeps diluting (in my opinion , seems to me) even during shareholders meeting

second , in my opinion , i doubt there was a single shareholder at the meeting , who da hek schedules meeting in las vegas and pps is at .00002 and lost 99% of the value

puff the magic dragon - yea right , give me the break

only and only positive thing short term is that downside is only 1 tick

sad sad sad aere the 3 words and they mean the same



good luck