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12/14/10 10:44 AM

#126 RE: stockmasterflash #125

Tick Tock...CMCJ the next penny scam?
Company bought that company Pinnacle simply to show revenue which in the big picture means little as they are still losing money and in the red for millions. Seems like pete who literally calls himself a visionary (probably the funniest line ever) well this losers only vision is to take your money and put it into his pocket. Seems old petey is a litle slow this time...he usually brings in a guy named peter leighton - the only way this loser can appear to be raising money...of course it will be a shell game...where the money moves from the left to the people the perception of money/things happening...hoping suckers buy in...You watch if the appearance of money starts being raised it will be from overseas...thats the start...the pump this time gonna be trickier...remember petey still gotta find suckers to believe the hype er lies...his dirtbag cohorts want to make money off of you...they can show the appearance of business - remember a purchase order or press release of some sort of business deal does not have to be reported/filed right the time it is filed you will note it will be postponed or did not work out - but alas it did work out as you bought the hype and bought the stock...second they will show the appearance of money (remember they will all be in this together) usually will come in with what is called a convertible debenture or as its also called death spiral financing - this is done so you think wow they have orders in on number one and second wow big money is investing in this company wow I should invest before this skyrockets...

Also during this time you will start to notice more posts on the internet posts and they will be paying for promotion from all the horrific penny stock promotion groups...spamming, garbage newsletters and the like...

Gotcha - you buy in - at the same time they are selling. And their is no way you will be able to prove what is going on until it is too late...thats the whole will buy the hype and the time you see what truly happened it will be too late...

What you can prove is their background and that this is the whole gig for the past 20 years. This you can check out - this is proven

Guess Ianace who lives in texas and was brought on board here I'm sure for the sole reason of trying to raise money. Now that is always a funny term in the penny stock world. As raising money refers to finding enough idiots to believe in a fantasy story and never look at reality or backgrounds so they can "buy into" the next scam.

Raising money should be better looked at as an exit strategy for principals as the game of musical chairs starts. Sad part is the normal pigeons er investors wont know the real gig till the parties over. Meanwhile the principals take the money out nine ways to Sunday. Salary, bonus, consultant fees to shell corps they control, family members on payroll...not to mention all the real insidious ways penny scammers steal kickbacks, stock sales through shell corps (thats right folks you buying they are selling) convertible debentures through "people they know", stock washing etc etc...

Funniest ever is that ianace the president - and i say that loosely as he lives in texas and the company is in pa - well anyway ianace's wife acrually had a company selling used business equipment lol thats right folks set up the dog and pony show with whose money? thats right investors with your money they sell the garbage out the back door - how low can you go.

Other lie. They will tell ya how they may be foregoing salary or getting little salary and their shares are restricted. Like they are on your side of the table.

Don't believe the lies for one moment. I just mentioned a few ways they can get paid without you ever knowing. If you dont believe it simply do a little research on the principals find out how expensive the houses they live in are? Ask yourself if they have failed in everything for the last 20 years how do they live so well?

Dont be a sheep, a sucker, a mark, a lemming dont buy the lies and deceipt - your hard earned money to subsidize their life style.

Heck just cut a check directly to ianace that way you wont have to go through months/years of torture as your money fades to black...go to VNTK, EPRT internet boards and see how the other investors of their companies feel.

All companies are out of business. All companies shares are worth ZERO. Don't be a sucker do not invest with an ianace company. Do your research. If you invest you will be sorry.