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12/10/10 9:26 PM

#120019 RE: wall_rus #120018

Edit: wall, guess, in MOST billionaires eyes it would be about poifecto, ummm, excepting The Giving Pledge people, Buffet, Gates, Zuckerberg ..

Mark Zuckerberg added to list of billionaires pledging to give away their fortunes.

"...The Giving Pledge was born in part from a dislike by Mr. Buffett for dynastic wealth. Mr. Buffett over
the years has schooled Mr. Gates on philanthropy, giving him a copy of "The Gospel of Wealth," in which steel
tycoon Andrew Carnegie argued that fortunes were often wasted by heirs and thus should be put to charitable use."

and let's not forget the Asians involved ..

Dien Yuen, founder of the Asian Philanthropy Forum and chief philanthropy officer at Give2Asia; Bill Gates,
Microsoft founder and co-chair of The Gates Foundation; Jet Li, action movie star and founder of The One Foundation ..

and others ..|pledge

Sorry about the late edit, had it on tab and though maybe up before, late thought was it fits well here ..

'The millionaires and the billionaires in this country are doing just fine'
By Laura Conaway .. Sat Dec 4, 2010 1:52 PM EST

Here's your new Democratic talking point: "Senate Republicans Block Middle Class Tax Cut." Joined by four Democrats, Senate Republicans today blocked a pair of proposals that would have extended the Bush tax cuts for the middle and working class, and even on the first $1 million of income.

As he has throughout this episode in our nation's history, Sen. Bernie Sanders
(I-Vermont) fought his own fight against the return of trickle-down economics:

"What this debate is about whether or not we continue to take money from the middle class and working families of this country, who are struggling in a way that they have not struggled since the Great Depression, force their kids to borrow huge sums of money in order to provide $700 billion over a 10-year period to the wealthiest people in this country.

Mr. President, I hear my Republican friends, time and time again, coming down the floor of the Senate, and they say we have a huge deficit. We have a huge national debt. And today what they want to do is to drive that national debt up by $700 billion over the next 10 years in order to give huge tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires. So please, my friends, say what you want, but stop talking about the deficit and the national debt when what you're doing today is driving that debt up by $700 billion over the next 10 years.

And second of all, what everybody in America knows is that what's going in our country today is that the middle class is collapsing, poverty is increasing, but the people on top are doing phenomenally well. In the last 25 years, 80 percent of all new income created in this country went to the top 1 percent. You don't have to worry about the top 1 percent. You don't have to worry about the top 1 percent. The millionaires and the billionaires in this country are doing just fine. . . .

And thirdly, Mr. President, what I would say without the slightest doubt is if these guys are successful in giving $700 billion more in tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires, the next thing they'll do is run down onto the floor and they'll say, 'Oh, my word, the deficit and the debt are going up. We've got to cut Social Security, because we have such a large debt -- yeah, we've raised the debt by $700 billion, now we've got to cut Social Security. We can't afford to extend unemployment compensation. We just can't do it.'"


12/10/10 9:39 PM

#120020 RE: wall_rus #120018

shoot! .. lol .. missed the woid 'post' .. ding bat .. ok .. fini .. rorflmao .. promise ..