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12/10/10 3:32 PM

#29695 RE: slippysmit #29694

I am stuck over 40k and now i am listening to a fool. I like facts. Do you have any?
To get my money back or any money back we need the CEO no matter what he did or didn't do.
You can sue if you have money for lawyers. I don't. Already hired them and PI and have facts now not BS you sling.
Jayee, the fool, says it was Chris selling not the shorts.
Well now, lets look on the Internet and get the facts. Hmmmmmmm
just as i thought. Over 1 BILLION shares were shorted.
He might be a crook BUT not one person proved one thing they say.

Why is MAXM on top of the ask? Been there for 2 months and NEVER was there when this stock traded...Please. I took my loss and it doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the criers, whinners and liars.
If you lost money join the club. We can all blame each other or try to dig out.