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12/10/10 8:07 PM

#5578 RE: geoscience2 #5577

Is this the correct info? If so, I don't see where it specifies a certain time frame ("cooling off period"?) that a company has to wait before it can release non-public information that may have impacted Insiders' decision to purchase shares (at least Kandle bought his, right?).



12/11/10 11:32 AM

#5586 RE: geoscience2 #5577

If an 'insider' sets up a regular stock purchase plan ...

... he will have no issues no matter when news comes out. It's a purchase plan that is filed with the SEC and it protects the 'insider'. I think it's a 401-b as I used to check to see whether scamster insiders at scamster companies had filed them or not, but I'm not sure of the filing name now.

Otherwise, if an insider acquires shares and significant news comes out shortly thereafter, there can be ramifications and consequences pending the outcome of an SEC investigation. Little companies like TIV benefit from the SEC being busy with bigger fish, but it does happen from time to time.

TIV insiders know from history that if they have been able to get away with the ridiculous 'Safe Harbor'-language-protected PRs that have sucked in believing sharebuyers for years, they most likely have nothing to worry about.

Or do they?

Most pennystockscamsters and other companies who feed at the public share-selling trough without actually making money hire people to try to make sure shady insider dealings meet the letter of the law. Whether or not they are moral or ethical dealings is always another question.

Anyway, the 'awarding' of shares might even fall into a different category, where the award beneficiary can always claim that HE didn't buy shares, they were given to him and he couldn't help the timing.

What I'd like to see is a full blown investigation into TIV's PRs past and present, all of the hype (hype is legal), early dissemination of information to selected groups (illegal), and OPUS members' personal purchases and sales of shares (and shorting, "if any") outside of their OPUS-related investments (and their family members' purchases and sales). Throw in information about the White Knight's manipulation of message boards while being in possession of material inside information. But it isn't going to happen unless some burned investor foots the bill for the lawyer(s) to put it all together, file a suit and take it to court where subpoenas for additional disclosures would be issued.

Someone has already sued, or threatened to sue, TIV, only time will tell if more will. Me, I made a bundle on TIV trading it from 2.50 to 16.00 and multiple swings from 6's to 10's etc, until it broke that long time support around 5-6 so I don't have a dog in the burned-investor-hunt. After that it was just a long predictable road down with the occasional trade-able pop, paved with ridiculous PR after PR and the hyped investments by various investor-groups, all of whom took it on the chin if one is to believe they weren't also shorting against the box from time to time, and ultimately the current toxic financing we have seen.

Not to say one can't make money playing pops but that's not the same as investing in a viable company with a history of truthful statements rather than legalese-protected-hyperbole.

JMHO and good luck to all who pick the lows the sell the highs until TIV somehow puts something real on the bottom line, if they ever do.
