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01/09/11 12:50 AM

#11938 RE: REDDOG22 #11935

No one likes to hear "i told you so" but a number/few including myself warned on this fraudulent operation 9 months ago.

Owen et al may be released but the piper has to be paid- i expect him to be convicted , directed to make full restitution and serve 2-5 years in a federal detention center-perhaps the will put him in with maddog bernie madoff.

Owen can of course be restored and redeemed once he surrenders his will to the Lord and weeps over his sins with true repentance.
he will never repay $$ to those who trusted in his fraudulent securities operation-the $$ is gone! i hope he did not hide some in a swiss account or bury it to be retrieved later. if so srrender and repentance will be much more difficult.

obviously owen had skills and talents and gifts but he put them to horrible use when they could have been used for the good of humankind.

for those who lost $ or $$$$$$$ bucks in the alleged stock- u were either a dreamer, a trusting soul, one who took a chance knowing it probably was not going to work out but did not invest the "grocery money", maybe a get rich quick person, or maybe a little of all of those. most of u will survive and learn a hard lesson about checking details when something too good to be true is presented to you-and btw stay far away from anyone trying to sell u iraqi dinars for a pittance because they present to u a scenario that the dinar will be the standard iraqi currency in the near future and you will make millions of $$$$-not gonna happen.

the tale so far of owen hawkins is a sad one of falling from grace-i pray redemption will soon follow !
