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12/08/10 3:51 PM

#33266 RE: Conrad #33265

<OT> Photos.........

That sunrise photo was difficult because of the horizon with the sun just coming up. The trees have no light of their own so appear in silhouette. If I'd used a flash to "fill" in the light in the foreground, I'm sure there would be more close detail, but don't know what it might have done to the sky tones.

Here's another image taken a couple of years ago in snow. Again, not easy lighting conditions with hard mid-day sun, snow and the lake frozen and snow covered:

You can locate many of the same trees in this image as the sunrise one.

However, since I'm going to be looking at a lot of SNOW for several months, I think this image is more soothing:


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The Grabber

12/08/10 4:14 PM

#33267 RE: Conrad #33265

Re: OT Wisconsin

The Wisconsin area was beautiful when I was there. . .1976 I think it was . . the food was cheap too and delicious, I remember. I arrived in the fall and left at end of December

Well Shoot! We should have invited you to our wedding! November 13th, 1976; Wauwatosa and Sussex, WI.

We had pretty good food there too as one could imagine a Polish/German wedding would have.
And the price was right as well!
It would only have cost you a crock pot (got 7 of those that night). :-)