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12/06/10 11:40 PM

#221266 RE: jeffz2 #221265

RE: Did you buy-in again? I thought you sold all your shares? It's not that I'm questioning you as you have a right to do either this or that. I'm just curious ;)

Be Confident

12/07/10 12:05 AM

#221268 RE: jeffz2 #221265

Well Jeff, I have to disagree with you there. You see, I've been hoping an iHubber might have recalled something from several of my earlier posts...posts that date back quite a span.

In these posts I made mention of Publicis having announced a "secret" partnership with Google that had existed between them for almost a year prior to the announcement. The partnership was so close as to provide for a temporary trade of employees! The partnership referred to digital media, but at the time I knew that Google was focused heavily on wireless, and also knew that wireless represented the ultimate one-to-one marketing model.

Interestingly enough, the timing of the announcement combined with mention of having been in effect for almost a year, appeared to strongly coincide with the timing in which Neom and Publicis had partnered (MC2) :-)

It all ties together so well Jeff, and now suddenly this interview with the global Chairman Emeritus of the MMA turned Google "evangelist" simply adds seasoning to the sauce (you may want to revisit that post). There's more, but this is enough.

Jeff, IMO this is no longer speculation. It "is" JMO...however, I personally, am absolutely convinced. What I say here does not mean to imply that Neom and GOOG always got along, however, I do feel that at minimum, at a particular point in time they became sticky. I tend to feel it was with the help of Publicis due to that special partnership and the fact that they were already in bed with Neom.

That said, I am not confident that NDAs will be shed from the behemoths anytime soon. Let's not forget that 2D codes represent merely the beginning. We have significantly more to come...NFC (GOOG recently announced its first NFC handset..this is BIG) and RFID. These applications are likely to steer the course of NDAs for some time to come (a likely reason Laura will not be taking questions on the cc). I also expect that neom's patents enable AR...and THAT is a happy thought :-) (although unconfirmed).

All of the above...JMO.

Be Confident