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12/05/10 9:16 PM

#2487 RE: Jack_of_All_Trades #2486

The news we had last week would make us worth well over a dollar a share already. We had a great week and we are completely under the radar, no large groups or boards have come in to buy up the float yet etc. The real fun begins once word about the billions in global contracts etc. is out on all the major boards and the big I Hub investors get the word out in pennyland. I can not think of a single stock that compares with us even if we were sitting at .50 a share like another one I was in that has no contracts, no revenues and as far as I am concerned based on what I was told by the large holders running that show is a complete scam. Too bad more people do not do more DD before they invest instead of just following the herd. I know this stock is legit and that is all I care about. I am tired of the daily pump and dump stocks that leave bagholders everywhere. We have the 8K, now the 10K will hit and we are good to go as long as the longs invested already spread the word so new investors looking in can do their DD on this gem. I am betting if we make it near the top of the most active boards we would be at .20 to .50 so fast no one would believe it and it would be a fully reporting Nasdaq OTCBB with real contracts and real revenues.
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12/05/10 9:23 PM

#2488 RE: Jack_of_All_Trades #2486

Thanks, I had a few spelling errors but just reposted it. We have so much to look forward to, there are a lot of investors looking for a real stock investment in pennyland that is legit with huge upside potential. This is not a stinky pinky or another scam being run by the same groups that put up pictures and fake DD etc. on boards to take a stock up huge and use people from Canada out of the country to issure fake PR's and false news etc. We are the real deal. I would gladly miss out on every pump and dump scam trying to catch them before you get dumped on by the scammers and stay in real big board stocks or real Nasdaq reporting OTCBB stocks like this one. I can not wait until this stock is all the BUZZ on I Hub and everywhere. We are in the business of the future here. It is like when computers were just getting started and now you have them in homes and cel phones everywhere. We are the green company of the future.