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01/24/11 8:39 PM

#679 RE: xxxxtrader #406

""Info On The Lawyer Amy Honodel""

Here's Her Law Office,+Las+Vegas,+NV+89129&gl=us&ei=QCg-TfujEI-CsQPryfSkAg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA

1/24/11 VERDICT: EQUITY RESOLUTION INC. wins control of CSCE

Previous shell owners were a no-show at 1/24/11 court date.

01/24/2011 Motion for Appointment (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Delaney, Kathleen E.)
Re-Notice of Motion for Application for Appointment of Custodian

Parties Present
01/24/2011 9:00 AM
Equity Resolution Inc
Honodel, Amy B. - Attorney
Result: Granted

Here's Some Backround---->


02/01/11 4:12 PM

#1189 RE: xxxxtrader #406

I do not see any of that information being particularly "good" news, xxxtrader. Has ANYONE out there been to contact anyone at this "Equity Resolutions" company? IF so, what was said?