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03/14/05 11:51 PM

#3228 RE: billytbone #3227

And the bad part is
Michaels can DO IT AT ANY TIME so people will be left holding the bag and won`t know what hit them.
It happens everyday.


03/15/05 2:22 AM

#3231 RE: billytbone #3227

Unfortunately, Billy is dead on. A r/s is coming, and it will be a very tricky and difficult proposition for PM to arrange the forces that will propel this stock upward after the r/s.

Rather, the dominating percentages of ALL stocks committing to this act suggest that it will be overtaken by natural gravity and slide right back down to where it was.

PM says different, but what would anyone expect him to say?

Because he is also the one who has said repeatedly since the SH meeting that there would not be a r/s. Nope, nothing on the horizon. Every month I heard it from his own lips.
But you know, things happen. Shares get dumped. The float gets loaded, bloated, and close to bursting. The float gets so massive and heavy it could sink the USS Ronald Reagan.
What to do, what to do.

Well, he's walled himself in and there's only one way out -
shift it into reverse at 100 mph.
And if that don't work, he'll still have 750 mil a/s to dump.
Thanks to that quiet day in December when the authorized shares silently and magically increased from 1 bil to 10 bil.
Boom. Just like that.

Problems? What problems? I am King of my domain.

Ain't life a peach in Peterland?


03/15/05 4:42 PM

#3257 RE: billytbone #3227

Just read something on RB that worries me and that is that hop-on is selling large blocks of shares to funders at 'less than' market who immediately turn around and sell same 'at' market. This would certainly cause havoc with pps, and these 'funders' must be part of the 122,000,000 mentioned in previous pep talk.