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Replies to #42165 on MediaG3 (MDGC)
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12/02/10 5:28 PM

#42214 RE: CharlesNet #42165

CharlesDdotNet, working closely with MediaG3 and Mesh Global and after viewing speeds of 50 mb to 800 mb that some of the top software companies had limited down load speed and with MediaG3 program they could resolve those issues. Then talking to the fiber optic company, that they are working with, they stated that they could deliver up 400 gb. That would be your screen filled with HD videos running at the same time. What was truly interesting is how they could do that economicly. Without giving the answer away to MediaG3 competitor, Val thought that they could do a demo on MediaG3 web site and that he would work with his contacts to show us. As we all know this kind of internet can change our future. We also know we do not have a name for this kind of internet, if you could please think about a name, I believe MediaG3 will have a contest for the best name to brand their New Internet Service, that they are working on, winner receiving a large block of MDGC stock. I know after acquiring over 100 Million free trading shares, over the last 11/2 years and investing 100's of thousands of dollars into MDGC it is great to see that what they have been talking about could become a reality soon,IMO.