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12/01/10 2:40 PM

#20233 RE: martinmp84 #20207


In time a r/s will have to be done. But, I definitely think it would be idiotic to do a r/s when you are in the middle of the busiest buying season of the year and you have no idea what your sales, profits, product acceptance, marketing, needed productin, warehousing,etc will require and be. Then you need to see what assets you have on hand, etc.

Since LFBG has really never had any kind of sales or profits to speak of from even the past they have nothing with which to even begin to formulate a stuctured business plan.

There is much planning and calculating that goes into all that needs to be done in order to grow a healthy, prosperous, and growing company.

A r/s split is just one of the things. They might discover that they want to do both a buy back along with a r/s. How in the hell can they make a informed decision when they have absolutely no idea what the financials will be and the how the needs of the company can best be met.


Next time you throw around the word idiot you might first want to practice saying it into a mirror before you direct those comments at others. Just a little food for thought.

In my opinion in was premature and very haste, to say the least, for LFBG to say what terms and give the effective date of when a r/s and/or buy back was going to take place.

I most definitely feel that LFBG'S FINANCIAL ADVISORS should be cast overboard for more knowledgable and competent advisors/consultants or whatever they actually are.