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12/01/10 3:16 AM

#4873 RE: bsullivan #4872

Yes, There is Truth and Frustration in your Post:

Dr. Bob's Correspondence to Dave is Our Best Bet..

Willing to Continue to "Be Patient"..

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12/01/10 9:49 AM

#4875 RE: bsullivan #4872

I think Dr. Bob is trying to give us a heads up about where the company is at in the scheme of things. He knows we have some of the information, (he reads the posts). Evidently he thinks some of us are intuitive or smart enough to connect the dots. Our friend PV is one such person. He is constrained by SEC regs. and company policy about what he can say.
He has been a friend to this board and I thank him for it.

#4851 We don't have enough staff to respond to more inquiries than we presently get.

#4856 October 27th 2010 Flowid and FutureChemistry will develop a method for manufacturing quantum dots in continuous flow on a laboratory scale, subsequently design, develop and install an operational plant for manufacturing quantum dots in continuous flow on a production scale.

Their leading edge work essentially allows the Company to overcome barriers to entry of high volume, high tech markets. The imminent ability to sell stand alone quantum dots in large quantities at attractive pricing into various markets, while continuing to develop breakthrough solar cell technology, undoubtedly will generate significant revenue for Solterra, Quantum Materials Corporation and its shareholders.”

Steve Squires is of course running the company. His job is to get the money.Our technology is being represented by ASU. That saves us time and money and frees up the staff to focus on business, either research or negotiations. His action could also imply that he has enough business lined up for the immediate future, i.e., his hands are full.
I think sales are lined up and they're negotiating in multiple directions, but nothing happens until the product hits the market in a big way. When it pops, it should rock.

#4856 states "will develop", meaning not done as of that time. I suspect the building in Jeddah is. It takes the time it takes.

I think the real question is whether this company is the right investment for you. No one can decide that for you. We could sell shares, drive the price down and maybe buy back in or miss the pop. Me I'm holding right where I'm at. I figure, I've got the odds in my favor this time. I like that I'm in something that may have a positive impact on the world.
I try to contribute even though at times I suspect I appear a fool. Do you believe in your decision that much?
For peace of mind PV's suggestion of meditation or prayer works wonders. It helps grow through diversity and adverse conditions, and clarify thinking.

For any whose toes I step on (past, present, and future) I apologize.

Forgive my verbosity, aimo or tol

Hope we all continue to acknowledge good deeds done.
SX thanked DDhawk on his board for his contribution here, well done SX

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12/01/10 6:04 PM

#4879 RE: bsullivan #4872

Well said bsullivan. But expect your post to be censored into oblivion...
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12/02/10 1:26 PM

#4889 RE: bsullivan #4872

An email I sent, should i bet on a reply?

I have held, and accumulated your stock for two years because I believe in what you are doing. Yes, I am in it for the money, just like you are, that is why people invest. But if an investment can be tied to the betterment of mankind then so much the better, so I am not apologetic for being an investor with a fiscal motive. I have waited, along with every other investor, for the slightest morsel of information to be dropped to us, some small crumb to drop from the table just to keep us happy and drooling for another quarter while we wait for some kind of growth, or another little morsel. I don’t even mind Dr. Bob’s reference to the “snide” remarks on the IHUB board. Those “snide” remarks are made by people who are investing in and trying their best to believe in your vision. They have stayed the course through unending months of silence from you, and have a right to make any remark they please when waiting an unreasonable amount of time for even the basic things such as a 10k and 10q. They wait, like I do, for the report, then wait through the delay, and now wait for who only knows when, for the thing to ever materialize if it ever does. I have to admit that I am not a little frustrated, but quite mad about the silence. The delisting, the conferences with canceled attendance, 10q’s that are so late that you may as well skip them because other 10q’s are due already. I understand the concept of stealth mode. I understand that you have a lot riding on how well you bring this product to market, and the dangers you face from the competition. But something isn’t adding up here. Your product and vision for it is not a secret. You have a web site and have placed PR’s periodically in the past. If those of us on IHUB know what we know, and am able to speculate as we do, there are much better minds than ours out there doing the same thing, and no doubt know much more than we do about you and your product and the progress you have made. So why do we get fed this continued silence, and get pushed aside when we are only asking that you do the simple things such as post timely quarterly and year end reports? If this is too much for investors to ask for now when you are small and in need of supporters, I can only imagine how you will be when you become “too big to fail.” I have seen how you and others have responded to emails from some of the board members, and I thank you for that, I think that it was actually a surprise to some to get responses. I do recognize that you have a world class science and management team. I will hold the stock that I have, and will continue accumulating when possible because I hope and pray that you will become a large part of my retirement. So what is my point then? I wish that I wasn’t embarrassed to sell you and your product and vision to others. Anyone looking at you logically, without my level of commitment will not chance a serious investment in a company that disrespects its owners by not even posting required reports, not to mention .075 cent PPS. Hope is not a strategy, and people that I know who might ordinarily invest in something like this will not do so based on my commitment. They will want to see something real, and all I have to show them is the information that attracted me and caused me to invest to start with, but little to nothing lately other than the unending conjecture on the IHUB board, along with those “snide remarks.” I wait, and will wait, but I also reserve the right to blow off some stress and make “snide” remarks about MY company.
Thank You
Mike McIntyre