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Virtual Drew

11/30/10 9:30 AM

#44 RE: Ninja7 #43

Piggyback on Ninja7's post:

The Monk's Den FLD(s) were initially targeting the shorting abuse (alleged) of the market makers. IMO, the scheme was precisely "force a squeeze" of the MMs by cajoling 100s (if not 1,000s) of people to buy. The messages were apparent, "Keep buying, keep holding. You'll know when their is a squeeze. Family and den members don't sell! Stay disciplined!" (those were the themes I gathered.

The deception comes in several forms, IMO. The fraudulent and intentional misrepresentation of FINRA's Daily Short date:

Completely agree. and 87% short today should tell you a lot.. and I will be buying more tomorrow....

The misuse of one's title and background to give the impression of being an authoritative figure in securities trading. Using previous attendees as advocates of Monk's Den, falsely representing huge success, proof the scheme works, and cyber-bullying those that had contrary views, thoughts, or legitimate questions.
(This list is very vague, and not all inclusive)

Apparently, monk has access to plenty of investors; a very large network of individuals. He has significant influence on them (considering all the facts above) and was apparently successful in creating EIGH's rapid rise in share price (from 5c to 44c). Once the artificial demand was eventually removed, you saw what happened to the stock price:

My two cents.

janice shell

11/30/10 3:00 PM

#45 RE: Ninja7 #43

Clearly the trail of evidence left behind with all of the FLD stocks leaves little doubt that the whole thing was a scheme to manipulate the price.

Yes, there're a great many statements by Monk, and comments from his followers--especially the LoneGrey quote in the Seattle Times--that make it clear that the object of the exercise was to make "worthless stocks" run big.

They show intent.

But of I think the main thing the SEC will be looking at is whether Monk and others sold while telling the faithful to keep on buying and holding.