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11/28/10 5:31 PM

#153235 RE: ActivClient #153229

i agree i think people should speak there mind. When you have people come on here and say this is going to .50 in a year they are obviously not familiar with WNBD.

Dilution goes on we all know that at a respectful pace most would agree. Some will say Eric shouldn't talk about by backs. Well why not if thats his plan ,but any one knows this is a long ways away.

Eric shouldn't start selling Winning Colours in other countries. Well why not the united States i believe is only 5% of the worlds pulation. Who says there not working with national accounts in the United States. He has mentioned it many times on the blog and cc's.

Now has he made mistakes hell yea we all have. Was Lowes a few years ago a debockle it sure was and i will be the first to admit it. One thing i remember is we had mods on here and Stockwire pumping this to high heaven and threw pm's and emails which sent the speculation rampant. I am very happy to know they are not here any more pumping this thing.

See Activ It's only a message board and what people do with there money thats there own business not mine. I hear 80% of the longs sold out. I say oh well good luck and i hope some day they come back. If not nothing i can do. I have probably the most at risk here than 95% of the people i just want to show people Winning Colours a break threw product that one day i feel will be all over the world. Will it happen no clue ,but my chances of it happening are getting better and better every passing month that goes by.

So like many i sit and wait for something big to happen ,but i refuse to sit and not at least some how help out. Imagine if everyone could show one person a month how quick the word would get out. This started with one person and now thousands are aware of the product and growing daily.

I can't help ,but be positive i try not to influence people to buy the stock just the product. When i show people i never tell them about the stock unless they ask. So for me am i more pro than con i would yes ,but i don't mean to miss lead in any way. I have been here a very long time and so have many others i try to do whats right i might make a mistake ,but show me someone who doesn't.

I would have no problem not being a mod at all. I just feel whom ever takes my place will either favor one side or the other. JMHO