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11/28/10 5:22 PM

#55398 RE: skono4 #55396

I don't feel it is ethical to take from those who have earned to squander it on waste and corruption. No matter how much they earn. If I got up and worked for it or risked money and managed to do well or have a talent that people are willing (or stupid) enough to pay huge sums for, what right does a Charlie Rangle who just decides he doesn't have to obey the tax laws he wrote have to take it from me? It doesn't matter if I create job 1, it is mine, I earned it, I should get to reap the benefits of those earnings. And if the people on Wall Street did something illegal in earning that money, put them in jail. Do you think that the taxing will stop with "the rich"? Does it ever? If you set the parameter that it is OK to take from the earner and dish it out to those who haven't (and yes I know we already have, doesn't mean we should keep it up) soon you will have fewer and fewer people willing to bust their humps or take risks and more and more who feel they have a "right" to that ever shrinking pie. That is the bigger long term danger. That is a house of cards that will collapse and cause the world to burn when it does. If you want something, get off your duff and earn it on your own, don't take it from someone else. There is where we have gone wrong. IMO