OK TooFuzzy, I know you are not so fuzzy, so I make this of it:
The Black Swan falling on my head? Fabulous! If Mila Kunis falls on my head I will have something to tell about and she would be so sorry that she will take care of me to heal the wounds that I would have suffered, but no doubt you mean something else. . .
I would venture to say a black swan has something to do with unexpected events. . .or peril, well, Mila Kunis falling on MY head would indeed be unexpected, but likely not someting what I would consider to be in the line of peril!
Then again you mentioning a Black Swan, it reminded me of a video a Facebook Friend send me. . .I had to look it up. . .
The follwing might actually have something that links up with the meaning you had in mind:
. . ."Black Swan Theory" refers only to unexpected events of large magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such events, considered extreme outliers, collectively play vastly larger roles than regular occurrences.