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11/24/10 10:05 AM

#2360 RE: sunspotter #2355

The following is a response that I recieved from Strategema Capital:

Thank you for your Email of the 22 November, and my apologies for not reverting to you sooner.

We have indeed been recently retained as third parties to assist in the assessment of various cash buyouts for Spencer Pharma. However, we do not have any details from the company at present in respect to the current transaction which you mention. I understand from Dr Arella that there have been certain initial discussions with the company and that a meeting is due in Montreal with Al-Dora representatives on the 29-30th November. Once that meeting is taken place I am informed by Dr Arella that will be provided with details and documentation of the transaction in question.

I trust the above is in order.

With kind regards

Yours sincerely

Maurice Hennequin


Strategema Capital SA

1-3 Rue de Chantepoulet

1201, Geneva


Tel: +41 22 575 48 10

Fax: +41 22 575 48 15

Mob: +41 78 610 11 42

Skype: stratcap

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11/24/10 10:41 AM

#2363 RE: sunspotter #2355

Sunspotter, I tend to agree with you in your assumptions. In todays market, too many companies, ie. owners are looking for a " fast buck " at the shareholders expense and then on to the next company.

Is this the case with SPPH? Only time will tell. I have not done a lot of DD on this one since the numbers are in " NO WAY " their to support what is going on with this company.

It has been pumped and dumped and basically is the only way the price of this stock has been moving. Lots of speculation but face it folks, if this was a " good deal " rather than a " too good to be true deal " EVERYONE would be all over this stock.

So what should that tell you? Keep your money in your pocket until Nov. 30th to see if what has been posted by the company over the last couple of weeks is truth or dishonesty. I am expecting to see more DRAMA out of this deal in an effort to push the PPS into a higher range.

If by 12/31 SPPH has an iron clad agreement ( in writing ) and the deal sealed then the stock should take off. If it is more bogus information and pump as in previous attempts to get the price inflated, everyone will know by then won't they?

IMHO, SPPH is running a fine line between SEC action against the owner or a credible company. Totally up to the owner at this point, but he better be right.

Question for you, SUNSPOTTER......what does anyone really know about Al-Dora Holdings in Kuwaiti....private company, so no way to really do any DD on them. Cant find anything online about previous deals they have cut or tried to cut to check the validity of the offer.

Another question would be how many shares does SPPH management control and are they unrestricted now. If so then I would suspect a major dump if the price goes up any at all. Should be able to track that event.

In any case, I will keep my money in the bank until some major crediblilty comes into play on this one.......GL2A !