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11/23/10 11:42 AM

#29540 RE: sf #29536

looks like they are setting up the fallguys to deflect from the wrongdoing by jpm

I don't see how you can make the link b/t hedge funds and the FDIC/JPM issue that was 2 years ago. I thought the conspiracies would die down after about a year, but I think they've actually gotten worse as the pps has declined.

with the looming trial and north korea starting up with south korea...perfect cover for jpm and fdic to settle imo

You know it's time to take a break from the stock market and investing when you see a foreign conflict arise and link it to JPM/FDIC conspiracies and how there's hope that you can still make a quick profit.

Seriously, is their a conspiracy link b/t Eli Manning's last minute fumble and the JPM/FDIC? How about Brad Chilldress' firing? Was that to divert our attention away from the 2 EC members that quit?