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11/22/10 3:14 PM

#203518 RE: catdaddyrt #203517

Thanks for the info cat you tenacious DD'er you...;)
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11/22/10 3:35 PM

#203525 RE: catdaddyrt #203517

My guess is someone at Mineseeker is very regretful that they created the qasp page as a live update instead of making the page locally and uploading it when it is meant to be used. Obviously they are preparing for a news release.
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11/22/10 5:19 PM

#203538 RE: catdaddyrt #203517

Were you able to find out if this was new or not? I'm guessing it would make a big difference if this had been around since July, or if someone was working on it recently.

Thanks for the DD!
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crazy horse 0

11/22/10 6:05 PM

#203544 RE: catdaddyrt #203517

This is great News !

Fianally we are seeing real progress. Names are coming together.

I just talked to Sheri Osborn CEO Mineseeker-no info on the demo results-it will be made public and I asked about the password and the Qasp site and as of right now the only thing you will get through it is what is already been made public-she said the site is not for use at this time................