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11/16/10 9:00 PM

#37306 RE: rocco2 #37305

I missed something today. Completely.

There had been an additional Form D, right? Do we have more investment capital raised?

When you think of it. LBSR has more added shareholder value than NDM, those folks(NDM) just got lucky with ANGLO.

It makes me wonder why Briscoe need to propel itself in search of better institutional investors for other prospects.


11/16/10 9:18 PM

#37312 RE: rocco2 #37305

You know something rocco2 ??? Guts are really good at spelling out feelings....and many times, GUTS lead the way to reality.

I like Silver Bell also as a good prospect...we will see what is coming for us, but I am sure things are looking a LOT brighter now even with my rose colored sunglasses on.

I still can see gold, moly, and copper very well coming our way soon.....and as the U308 makes it's way out of the breccia pipes in the future as URANIUM continues to climb and is being acclaimed as a new precious metal.....we have a LOT to look forward to.

I am holding for many years as I want to capitalize in a huge way on this once in a LIFETIME opportunity !!!!

Here we go fellow LBSR LONGS/INVESTORS....the ride will be rocky and ups and downs will be very gut wrenching....we have already begun to see what it will be like....but if you are INVESTED, just sit back and enjoy the ride.
