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11/16/10 12:58 PM

#3089 RE: varmit #3088

So, Mr. Varmit, to carry your home/car purchase analogy to its logical conclusion, do you not also have debt service, you know, like a car or mortgage payment? Of course you must answer yes. And since the answer is necessarily yes, do you see where any of these entities has a source of income from which to derive debt service payments? No, you can't. And we have ample evidence to support that none of these related entities has ever produced a dime of revenue or income, that fact is indisputable and freely reported and admitted by officials at these various companies.

And therein lies the argument that these so called notes bare absolutely no economic substance other than a paper shuffle between related individuals to make it appear as if there is value when nothing could be further from the truth. And it can be readily ascertained that there is no stream of income now and by logical extension a cash balance where one would expect to find sufficient cash to service many tens of millions in notes either receivable or payable, 61,760,883, to be exact.

I'm sorry, but that is where the analogy comes to a ignominious conclusion.

So, when you decide to dig into your little analogy or anyone else who has employed this little bit of artifice, one quickly finds that is based in flawed premises and incomplete ideas which makes it very easy to dismantle into its various components of half truths and miscomprehensions.

Good day.
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11/16/10 2:45 PM

#3090 RE: varmit #3088

just a worthless note whats the dif sloane bought the shares on paper .

because Sloane will never pay for them ..

that's why

and it was really used as hype .. to get the penny players excited
and buy more ffgo stock

do you know the terms of the note ???

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11/16/10 3:42 PM

#3093 RE: varmit #3088

You, by owning any of these shell equities, have not purchased any note directly transferable for, valued in, or worth any gold at all.

And they are no closer to making these "assets" in to gold, or cash any time soon, as is self evident by their disgraceful, fraudulent history.
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11/16/10 6:11 PM

#3097 RE: varmit #3088

The main differance is that Sloan will never make a payment on the note.
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11/18/10 3:23 PM

#3120 RE: varmit #3088

DOG ,,,,what happens when u buy a house or finance a car .......exactly ,,, u get a piece of paper ,,,no title,,,,

~!~ Wrong. Your mortgager paid the sellers bank MONEY. I get title to the house and I owe my bank + interest for the rest of my natural life usually. Same with a car, I financed it and my bank paid the dealership MONEY right now.... I got title to the car. Lumpster gave a promissory note to himself consisting of worthless shares... not even close, please don't continue to propagate this disinformation. It is a extreme disservice to legit common shareholders who read this site.