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11/15/10 5:29 PM

#2203 RE: smart #2202

Understood and share such concerns but I like to consider what i buy as "investments" and not "momentum" opportunities. I have to often remind myself to be patient if I believe in the company.

Plus, we all know that implementing plans according to fine timelines is not always possible. Management can get a bit aggressive in their schedules.

This is a good game plan. I do not know the management but will accept them as serious until proven otherwise.

I suspect this is going to rise out of the pinks and become a listed and therefore higher valued company.



11/15/10 5:31 PM

#2204 RE: smart #2202

I found the posting by "smart" to be both informative yet disturbing at the same time. I am a shareholder of this company. I want to see the company make profits. Honestly, I really don't need Dave Staufer fielding endless phone calls answering the same questions over and over. If the company has a plan then the easiest way for them to execute this plan and effectively run the company would simply be to disclose this information to the shareholders. A simple pr like an "open letter to shareholders" outlining the things everyone seems to be wanting to know I think would cut down tremendously on the phone calls and emails to Dave Staufer.

"Hello valued shareholders. We completed our reverse merger on 9/15 without a hitch. We intend to become listed on the xxxx stock exchange. This requires that several items be completed which will take some time. We are working with the law firm of xxxxxx who have assisted several companies to become listed on the xxxxx exchange. Some of the things we need to complete are:
1) blah blah blah which we anticipate will be completed by xxxx, 2010,
2) blah blah blah which we expect to take anywhere from one to three months. We have engaged the firm of xxxxxx to perform this task.
3) whatever this may be. We expect the entire process to be completed in the first quarter of 2011. We will update our valued shareholders as we achieve certain milestones.
We thank you for your investment in and support of Deaf-Talk Inc."

I think something simple like that would cut down on the interruptions the company is currently getting and allow them to concentrate on the important stuff.

While I agree with your latest assessment SMART, I think that this post that your last generated, is as spot on as a shareholder can be at this point.

This is a seasoned investor giving a viewpoint here ,that years of being involved with public companies, has allowed him to garner the knowledge to make these frank statements.