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11/15/10 4:05 PM

#6922 RE: Headley Lamar #6921

Agreed that a dividend would have helped support our stock price, but realistically the stock moved from $8 to $22 in a very short period of time. The old 52-week high used to be $14.8. We have retracted back down to $17 but are still above that old 52-week high.

It is way way too early to start getting gloomy about a retracement after a move like we have had. Think about it, going from $8 to $22, down to $17 (or even $15), then back to $30 is a quite normal pattern for stocks (especially in this sector with high volatility).

The idea that we are back to the old game of being controlled by the shorts is simply impossible since there are no significant numbers of shares available to short WITH.



11/15/10 4:15 PM

#6924 RE: Headley Lamar #6921

"A dividend would have put an end to all of this nonsense. Period."

Totally agree.

Just trying to point out a plausible alternative as to why our CCME is getting pounded. I do not have the proverbial crystal ball and certainly do not purport to.

Am sure more than a few of us today thought about or it crossed our minds to bail today, take a smaller profit than last Friday. Maybe some did and others didn't. I did not.

Others bought more today....I almost did at 17.04 but did not as my position is as much as I dare the way things are going.
Had even a schedule for dividend come to light today I'd have been more inclind to get more at 18. But it did not.

Just thinking out loud that maybe this works for managements' favor as they know institutions are buying and they have all that cash for a buyback.

Buyback at 18, 17 or 16?????

We sure do not know and thats the crux. Only management knows and they are not saying as of yet.

At this point, no buyback has been elaborated upon as well as any scheduled div.

I am not happy about it but in the grand scheme of things I am a lone shareholder with a small long positon as compared to oodles of others with LARGE POCKETS, both long as short.

We here WANT some positive news and need some positive news as it affects us........think about that for what management I THINK would be trying to do.

Again, I'm long and the ride is not so pleasant as it was just what, early last week???????