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11/24/10 8:20 AM

#38161 RE: sarshee #38160

Its called financial reform!. It means business as usual.


How the SEC can claim that it has any integrity, or legitimacy as an agency thats sole purpose is to protect the public from parasites like this is beyond comprehension?. Wherever they allow fraud to exist within the marketplace will only spur more of it, and we've witnessed it on a massive scale. The OTC market is a spun web of deceit because of people like Berman, when behavior as his is allowed it speaks volumes of what takes place throughout the market.

The biggest of the publicly traded companies are familiar with what takes place here, and are all to familiar with pinks and BB's, and it gives them alot of insight for what they can get away with. The market with no overisight has more activity going on than the rest of the markets when we consider just how many CDS bets took place in this back alley. It was done without the capital to back it up. The taxpayer from AIG alone covered $178 billion of their bets, less than a quarter of what they are up to necks into.

When people were warning the SEC about Madoff, even by a security investigator in writing this to was shit canned and ignored. The only reasons anything like this could ever occur is to realize the corruption that exist within the agency itself. We don't have to look far to discover this well known fact. They are doing little to nothing today as well, just like before!. How many of us called for the neck of Ron Cox, and for years?. It all came to a head eventually, but what we knew long before he was made to resign, and the fact that investors knew he was worthless, and corrupt as well. Mary Shapiro isn't helping to shake things up either. The other thing we should be aware of, they are never on the side of the small investor, if they were there would be a cop on this beat. If anyone ever does benefit from any bust which is seldom heard, a discouraging word is the agency, not the investor.

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01/18/11 11:21 AM

#38180 RE: sarshee #38160

Hey! I still have one share, and that should

count for something!!!!!!!!!!! he he