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11/15/10 1:43 PM

#202254 RE: Sputnik #202253

How many people have to remind you that the likelihood is very very iigh that Jeff is an "interim" or "turn around" CEO and not looking to be at the helm for a long time.

This happens in business enough that it's not a shocker to anyone.

Take it to the credit union, we will have different leadership when this takes off (no pun intended).
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11/15/10 1:59 PM

#202258 RE: Sputnik #202253

Here is the funny thing about previous experience being relative to the task at hand.
Do you have kids? If so prior to your first kid did you have kids? If not then what gave you the experience to be a father or mother?

You have to ask yourself this question. Plenty of people have life experiences that make them capable of doing other tasks. Otherwise we could never elect a president, become a parent, have babies, or a countless number of other tasks.
Chill by brother the stock is dirt cheap, just pick some up a wait it out like everyone else.
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11/15/10 1:59 PM

#202259 RE: Sputnik #202253

Who is that quote from? I don't think it has any validity and posting quotes without stating who made them doesn't help your cause against our company.