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03/08/05 1:00 PM

#367108 RE: richordietrying #367088

OT- ChiComs "Pre-authorize" Attack on Taiwan
(Guess this explains the movement of B2s from Missouri to Guam recently)
China Unveils Antisecession Law Authorizing Attack on Taiwan

March 8, 2005

BEIJING – China put forward legislation Tuesday authorizing an attack if Taiwan moves toward formal independence, ratcheting up pressure on the self-ruled island while warning other countries not to interfere. Taiwan denounced the proposed law as a "blank check to invade" and announced war games aimed at repelling an attack.

The legislation, which was drafted amid unusual secrecy, is intended to warn Taiwan against further moves to formalize the de facto independence the island has exercised for a half-century. The measure, read out for the first time before the ceremonial National People's Congress Tuesday, doesn't say what specific actions might invite a Chinese attack on Taiwan.

"If possibilities for a peaceful reunification should be completely exhausted, the state shall employ nonpeaceful means and other necessary measures to protect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Wang Zhaoguo, deputy chairman of the NPC's Standing Committee, told the nearly 3,000 NPC members gathered in the Great Hall of the People.

Beijing claims Taiwan, split from China since 1949, as part of its territory. The communist mainland repeatedly has threatened to invade if Taiwan tries to make its independence permanent, and the new law doesn't impose any new conditions or make new threats. But it lays out for the first time legal requirements for military action.

Taiwan's leaders warned that the move could backfire by angering the island's voting public.

Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council, which handles the island's China policy, said the law gives China's military "a blank check to invade Taiwan" and "exposed the Chinese communists' attempt to use force to annex Taiwan and to be a regional power."

"Our government lodges strong protest against the vicious attempt and brutal means ... to block Taiwanese from making their free choice," the council said in a statement.

Taiwanese Defense Ministry spokesman Liu Chih-chien said large-scale military exercises would be held from mid-April to August to build confidence in the island's military preparedness. Troops will practice knocking down Chinese missiles and fighting communist commandos.

Mainland lawmakers immediately expressed support for the antisecession measure, which is sure to be passed when they vote March 14. The NPC routinely approves all legislation already decided by Communist Party leaders.

"We must join hands and absolutely not allow Taiwan to separate from China," said Chang Houchun, a businessman and NPC member from southern China's Guangdong province.

Chinese officials say the law was prompted in part by Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian's plans for a referendum on a new constitution for the island that Beijing worries might include a declaration of independence. Mr. Chen says the vote would be aimed at building a better political system, not at formalizing Taiwan's de facto independence.

The proposed law says Beijing regards Taiwan's future as an internal Chinese matter, rejecting "any interference by outside forces." "Every sovereign state has the right to use necessary means to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity," said Mr. Wang.

The law says China's cabinet and the government's Central Military Commission "are authorized to decide on and execute nonpeaceful means and nonpeaceful measures." The U.S. has appealed to both sides to settle Taiwan's status peacefully, with no unilateral changes by either side. Washington is Taiwan's main arms supplier and could be drawn into any conflict.

In Taipei, Chen Chin-jun, a legislative leader of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, said the island wants peace and trade with China. But he said, "We will not accept any resolution to allow the Chinese Communists to unilaterally decide Taiwan's future, and it will only antagonize the Taiwanese."

China and Taiwan have no official ties and most direct travel and shipping between the two sides is banned. But Taiwanese companies have invested more than US$100 billion in the mainland and the two sides carry on thriving indirect trade.

Until recently, China's military was thought to be incapable of carrying out an invasion across the 160-kilometer-wide (100-mile-wide) Taiwan Strait. But Beijing has spent billions of dollars buying Russian-made submarines, destroyers and other high-tech weapons to extend the reach of the 2.5 million-member People's Liberation Army.

Chinese leaders have appealed in recent months for Taiwan to return to talks on unification. But they insist that Taiwanese leaders first declare that the two sides are "one China" -- a condition that Mr. Chen has rejected.

In an apparent attempt to calm Taiwanese public anxiety, Mr. Wang said the law promises that Chinese military forces would try to avoid harming Taiwanese civilians. He said the rights of Taiwanese on China's mainland also would be protected.

But the secrecy of the drafting process and the legislation's mention of a military option have raised anxiety in Taiwan, where thousands demonstrated against the pending law over the weekend, and in the U.S. President Hu Jintao, outlining his Taiwan policy to a group of government advisers last week, stressed China's eagerness for negotiations and said it would opt for force only as a last resort.

"Once people have read the law itself, they won't worry about it at all," a Chinese official said.

The legislation and the positive spin Beijing is trying to put on it show what a divisive issue Taiwan remains for China's leadership. Officials on all sides have raised objections about the law's timing. Already this year, Beijing and Taipei have agreed to the first direct commercial flights between the two since they split amid civil war in 1949, and senior leaders have made conciliatory remarks about ending the political stalemate. Still, Beijing remains wary of Taiwan President Chen, who leads a pro-independence political party, and it believes the mainland needs to maintain pressure on him to get results.

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