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11/14/10 12:29 PM

#19853 RE: MamamaMuley #19851

O.k., so I lied...

Was going to try and not post until $2.00 but that's boring. Just don't want this stock to consume me as it tends to do when I think about the potential riches coming my way. When I read things like the following I could care less who isn't a true believer, their loss. Statements like this tell me all I need to know.

"In fact, the NHL is so serious about its new spokes-heroes that it's formed a new company, Guardian Media Entertainment, together with Lee's POW! Entertainment, to roll out the characters as a full-fledged marketing and moneymaking machine when they're introduced during the All-Star Game on Jan. 30. Versus will televise the game"

Let others play whatever penny is "hot" at the moment. I'm back to sticking to the big boards and POWN. It's all I need. Seriously.

NHL Guardian Project 30 money making machine

Soldier Zero Stans first comic book in forever is already Booms #1 title. I received my Midtown Comics and Hastings variants this week (the first comic books I've ever bought). With The Traveler (which looks amazing) and Starborn still to come.

Archie Comics working with Stan on Airwalker which looks amazingly cool from what I've seen. HBO Entourage using this as a story line only adds to the intrigue.

Walt Disney working on a "big spectacular movie" with pow which you can see kills Stan not being able to to talk about.

There are soooooo many money making projects going on right now Pow! Entertainment is on the cusp of greatness. This small group of investors here at IHUB are the "early birds" to the party. More power to us.

I know I said my position was set but if this thing trends down to .20 again I'm doublin down the whole darn thing. I am more of a true believer than I have ever been.


11/14/10 1:52 PM

#19856 RE: MamamaMuley #19851

answering your question

The company has barely any 2009 revenues at all and substantial losses. In the end, all the pomp and ceremony will not attrract Wall Streeters who can see beyond the fact that POWN is a "Story Stock". We know Stan Lee and his reputation are the sizzle. The steak is not there. The balance sheet is not pretty, nor are the monthly losses and complete lack of revenues. Disney movies are far in the offing. Do you know what 2-3 years means to Wall Street? May as well be 100. You may (or may not) think I am being negative but this is why you have a thiry cent stock which trades $500.00 worth of stock some days. Stan Lee gets in front of the media and goes on autosell. Great. When he can bring in projects that generate $1.0 mill in company revenues then someone beyond board posters may begin to care. Meantime, there are no revenues, substantial losses, a non-reporting pink sheet stock listing, zero insitutional stock ownership, an investment banker that has not raised the $3-5 million they said they would, an IR firm which is not aggressive, too many shares outstanding (106 million) for a company with no revenues...and projects hyped that look to generate a couple hundred thousand dollars here and there when they hit and if they are successful. They havent happened yet and they dont negate the losses.

All the above is factual. I dont like it. But its factual. My main gripe is nothing happens fast at POWN. POW! can and may exit 2010 with no stock uplisting and no new investor capital to fund character development, which was promised many months ago. This is the third private placement attempt I personally know of since 2007 or 2008 that has yet to be successful. I have seen financings take as little as 30 days. Good reverse IPOs are done in 30-90 days all the time. No public investors have stepped up to invest their capital. Now why do you think? I get no responses. It's a simple question. No one will address it. Having had extensive relations with IR firms since the mid 1980's, I have my own thoughts about this one so far.


11/14/10 1:58 PM

#19857 RE: MamamaMuley #19851

Not pumping MM. I only posted what I received as far as correspondence from CGC. Now that has dried up. The last email from Jennifer on 10/21 said...

"...thanks for your email – appreciate your questions – I am heading out to LA next week to develop the IR communication strategy. As of now, please use the ComicCon announcements as the latest news. We have you on the PR list so you will also receive info as POW! disseminates it.

We thank you for your shareholder support!"

I haven't heard a peep from them since.


11/14/10 3:42 PM

#19859 RE: MamamaMuley #19851

Dammmm Muley, And I was hoping for some down time from POWN so I can get a break from news posting. I never thought I would say that LOL...and now most of you are probably cursing me LOL

General Grievous

11/16/10 1:23 PM

#19882 RE: MamamaMuley #19851

a rumor about a possible rumor?! do tell us! haha..funny post. i agree with the 5 bucks thing..according to yahoo the market cap is around 31 million meaning the os is around 100 million. is this accurate? has there been a steady increase in outstanding shares over the past year? i remember when this stock showed up the silver lining was that it was owned by a known rich man, who passion for comics would not be impeded by greed.