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11/14/10 10:19 AM

#116441 RE: rbl100 #116439

Corporations in the United States will have their biggest earnings growth in 22 years. The stock market will have it’s best back-to-back annual gains since 2004. The Standard and Poor’s 500 Index is up more than 43% since Obama became president. Yet, a Bloomberg Global Poll shows 63% of investors believe his polices are detrimental to their interests.


11/14/10 7:47 PM

#116548 RE: rbl100 #116439

rbl100, the Sept. 2009, Pittsburgh G20 3rd round meeting agreed on the G20's status as the top coordinating mechanism of the world's economic issues, quite the opposite of your cry for free rein to free market capitalism.

At that meeting they also agreed ..

"On the world economic recovery, G20 countries, which account for 90 percent of the world's output, vowed to keep emergency economic support in place until a recovery was secured. Leaders agreed to avoid premature exit strategies that might kill the fragile recovery."

Obviously the Fed and Obama believe that in the USA's case an exit of "emergency economic support' would be premature.

At the 4th just concluded G20 round it was decided to put forward new measures

* to conduct and foster research into international organizations and markets as well as new public-private governance regimes;

* to create and maintain a network of scholars and policy-makers working on these issues;

* to influence debate and policy in both the public and the private sector in developed and developing countries.

See October 2010 working paper

So much for your "free market Capitalism will take care of itself if government would just GET OUT OF THE WAY!"

Obama went to the G20 November 2010 meeting strongly reflecting USA interests, as did other leaders, e.g. his attempts to deal with
the trade surplus with Germany, (surplus cap suggestion rejected) and the 'undervalued' Chinese currency, (further pressure on
China rejected), but fact is, as did other leaders, he pushed policies designed to help the US economy. You slam him for that.

Other countries, in pushing their own domestic interests, rebuffed Obama on those measures, but for you
to say .. "Even the G20 are completely against this administration.", implication in toto, is not at all totally true.

As to your why so many Americans are "FED UP!' stand, Steph, put it in her usual adroit fashion as well as anyone does.


11/14/10 11:41 PM

#116594 RE: rbl100 #116439

Seth Pace, North Carolina State Student, Goes On Naked Library Rampage (VIDEO)



11/17/10 4:12 PM

#116963 RE: rbl100 #116439

Never underestimate the power of human stupidity....

You say that you believe in man made global warming???
AHHhhh BWA-HA-HA-hahahahah......
Sorry, I was having a "moment". See the last line above.

The difference between a Hot Dog and a Weenie is a very fine line.