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11/13/10 11:49 AM

#36681 RE: gempicker #36672

"I would not expect this to jump to .50 or 1.00 overnight. But the pieces are in place for this to gradually approach those prices over the next year."

I fully agree, but think your time line a bit too long. I'm thinking that when the market sees who the partners are in the new JV, and that these partners are giving serious attention to a claims group that may be worth far more than Pebble, we will be over 50 cents sooner than later. Right now, the only name associated with Big Chunk outside of LBSR is Northern Dynasty.

When the Pebble Limited Partnership (NAK, Anglo Gold and Hunter Dickinson) is named in the new JV, perhaps along with others, the very black cloud under which LBSR has operated in recent years will be removed, and all of those who first thought Big Chuck exceptional 6-7 years ago - me included - will be vindicated. That early, historical interest in the stock will come back, and those early buyers will initially find this stock very much cheaper to enter than when most of them left it. Then add institutional interest from followers of the partners. At present, no major institution will throw money at Big Chuck-related stock. They need the endorsement of major mining houses, which they will have, I think, in the new JV. Now, add new retail interest.

If this doesn't take us over 50 cents within a few months of the new JV announcement... Well, uh, ...I'll eat my hat.

I don't own a hat, so I guess I'll just eat cake.

VP in AZ

P.S. And, in the above, I am fully discounting the very real possibility that the new JV will set of rounds of reports from newsletter writers that the partnership is sitting on what may be the richest mineral patch in history. If that happens, the market will go completely hysterical (from irrational retail interest). Then, and against my nature, even I will become a trader.