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11/08/10 10:49 PM

#75862 RE: Johnik #75861

looks like we are thinking alike on this:

The most common definition of "material" I have seen states that a fact is material if "there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable shareholder would consider it important" in making an investment decision, or, stated in different terms, the fact "would have been viewed by the reasonable investor as having significantly altered the 'total mix' of information made available." This oft-quoted language is taken from a 1976 decision of the U.S. Supreme Court (on page 449):

I think a 5-10% "effect" would be considered as a reasonable threshold to the "total mix".....of course, lots of this is hard to put a definitive number on......

PS: good links, thx....


11/08/10 10:53 PM

#75863 RE: Johnik #75861

Thanks Johnik. Your post by far has been the most valuable I have seen on the subject in my few years, and I have not even absorbed it all yet. You can bet I will read it all fresh tomorrow. Again, much appreciated and thanks.


11/09/10 9:21 AM

#75887 RE: Johnik #75861

post kept .. very nicely done :)

years ago it was explained to me
by a sr broker as any event that
would realistically have an impact
on a co.s pps including (fins .. forms
ceo/cfo hirings/firings .. acquisitions
and the like) of course this was b4 all
the loopholes exploited these past years
were *known* and done with regularity

to say nothing of the *lightning speed*
of the internet and *intent* contained therein
.. ;-)

i've seen some co.s literally 8k everything
and others just the items listed above

suspect it comes down to level of guidance given
by those surrounding mgmts

what is amusing is the concept that every breath
taken needs to be 8k'd .. i'm being facetious of
course .. as i say with frequency .. i don't see
well *established* ceos filing 8k's for appearances
at wall street conferences .. meetings with their
<potential> clients let alone commenting on company
specifics monthly on cnbc or other business outlets
and none filed on co. specific *secrets* that would
only enable .. er .. benefit competitors and others :)

all jmo