"We have received some unsolicited emails from senders in Accra, Ghana offering gold for sale. The sellers claim to be in possession of large quantities of gold dust, which they are willing to sell at below market prices. The catch is that you, the buyer, will have to send money upfront and the seller can walk away at any point with virtually no risk of being caught by the police as all contacts are via anonymous free webmail accounts accessed from Internet cafes and via prepaid mobile phones. The would-be buyer is made to send money for travel of the seller, for insurance, for shipping and for refinery assays before they would receive anything of any value. If they receive anything at all, the yellowish metal powder will turn out to be powdered brass. In any case they will lose thousands to tens of thousands of dollars.
Any email from a stranger in West Africa offering gold dust or diamonds for sale is an Advance Fee Fraud!"
The game is over here for me. If It looks like a scam it probably is. I have a feeling there will be a huge sell off at the end of the year. (tax write offs) I am so sick and tired of looking at this POS day in and day out. Can anybody find the Aurus name in Russia? How about a message board where the employees that received those shares that Aurus said they distributed to the employees?