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Santa Barbara Broker

11/08/10 10:54 AM

#86169 RE: fourkids_9pets #86161

Everything, 100% of what you have posted as some sort of "evidence" that Expo Holdings, Inc is legitimate is totally meaningless. I can reduce the entire equation down to a few simple conclusions backed by statements from the management whose character and intent you are attempting to canonize.

1) All the "insiders" and other important entities that have been mentioned as "impressing the outside common shareholders" with JD Brown's honesty and Expo Holdings, Inc. legitimacy have a dog, an expensive and lucrative dog, in the fight. If one of them is lying to protect a scam, it is overwhelming probable they all are.

2) From your trusted source:

"Met Annette with the "external" audit staff....defintely going to the OTCBB.....soon. JD holding the share structure until he can release all.....since the new acquistion....assures me that with the revenues and share structure that it will be GOOD for shareholders."

3) From the management at the 9/15/2010 shareholder meeting:

"The Company anticipates retail availability of etc. brand products within 15 business days."

"Sales were considerably lower than the company expected due to order delays, cancelations, and a sharp drop in sales for the months of July and August (2009). 2008, 2009, and YTD 2010 have been difficult for the company in terms of unpredictable sales, cash flow and profitability, mostly related to the economic downturn that many domestic manufacturers are experiencing. (NOTE: Now of course it's because of the "large licensing agreement that "fell through" in December 2009, lol)."

Funds were raised this year in anticipation of continued introduction of the etc. brand to commercial customers, and the planned introduction of etc. to over 100 retail locations by year end 2010.

The company anticipates no change in its authorized shares, and no reverse stock split is a consideration.

Q: Will you file form 3’s.

A: Yes.

Enough said...IMHO.



11/08/10 4:59 PM

#86214 RE: fourkids_9pets #86161

Hopefully you got filled today 4kids.
maybe my bid at .0004 will get filled this week :0