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11/08/10 7:37 AM

#27590 RE: opportunityknocking #27588

therapeutics all along?

I note that you mention this was always the plan. I do recall that therapeutic options were listed as a "possibility" in the past, but was it clearly stated as the ultimate plan? (not saying you are wrong; I just thought that diagnosis was always the main thrust)

While treatment is huge, I still say that even diagnosis, if they can ever get a serious contract, would be enormous itself. For followup or high risk monitoring alone, I think you are talking billions.

It will be interesting to see how this release shakes things up. Quite unexpected for me (positive), as I was only hanging on because Dr Gold is still listed on board. Other company reps had lost credibility with me due to weak, inconsistent communication.

I hope this press release changes all of that. I hope it will yield some third party press ... otherwise it is back to "what is the game plan?!"
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Gold Seeker

11/08/10 10:18 AM

#27591 RE: opportunityknocking #27588

Opportunity stated: "Nice find, Half. The profligate one is understandably downplaying the significance of the patent and is laying low since the press release."

It is interesting that you gave Half full credit for a "nice find" when it was actually me who posted the link to the press release about Roche a day earlier. I am not downplaying the significance of anything. Therapeutics is significant. I am just saying the path from a press release about a synthetic peptide has a long path to make it to profits which may never occur. That is reality.