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11/07/10 11:34 AM

#32788 RE: ls7550 #32775

Thanks Clive, I get it now!
It’s a piece of cake!

With some condensing I think I read this:
I just take the momentum of the conniption pin-range en put it in the Lane Stochastic Oscillator do-hicky that uses an "exponential finite impulse response filter" which represents the price volatility average of a jumping equity.
Then when

{complex formula that does not copy}

i.e. simplified ref. [8], tends to

{another complex formula that does not copy}

has the value of 3pi/e2. Then I buy a 32457 units of equity @ price 3,245 because the sample interval average has crossed over the Elliot Resistance point of the infinite sum of

{sexy formula}

approaches 3,678939 as N increases.

Shucks, why did I not get that right away?
Its so obvious!
I will apply it right after my migraine headache has gone :-)
3 hours later (headache a bit less):

Clive, I am honestly grateful for your limitless effort to make me a little smarter, but I think it is to no avail. Between the headache pings I hear bells ringing and faintly remember some of the stuff in the links. . . which I run into after every 10 words. . .en which a new definition pops up or a new alien formula is presented. . .of course, I want to understand all the definitions and the nitty-gritty convolution integrals but somehow I get the feeling that I have missed a point here and there, so I have to read it all over again. . .well, maybe when my headache is gone. For now I have to take 5 aspirins to be able to go on :-)

This stuff you refer to is 10 time more difficult than mechanical engineering mathematics. . .I almost failed to graduate in 1974 because I failed the horrible statistics course in 1973. . .I just barely passed the Re-Exam to be able to graduate later. . .somehow this stuff does not click in my head. . .probably a missing stat-gene in my DNA helixes.

I wonder how many investors actually are able to fathom any of this statistical abracadabra . . . I am surprised I did not run into the Chi-Square and X-Square Difference formulas here.

Sorry for the trouble Clive, I will never "get it":-)