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11/05/10 9:05 PM

#227731 RE: midtieroil #227729

Meh. Did you know that you can have your name legally changed? I think you should have it changed to Adebayo Jones, thereby bridging the gap between Nigerians and westerners with one name.

You can be a healer, bringing people together, both ERHC shareholders and management. You could...

Wait a minute! As it turns out Adebayo Jones is taken. For those of you who know anything about English/Nigerian fashion, he is huge!

Oh well,

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11/05/10 9:13 PM

#227734 RE: midtieroil #227729

It is also criminal in some jurisdictions I believe. However, it is fine as long as you inform the party you are recording. I do it all the time for compliance reasons and it is standard in the financial industry, among others.

If you are going to report on the conversation after the fact, especially in a public and in print as you did, it is always wise to have a recording or at least a transcript. This is standard for reporters. In the absence of this, your testimony is unreliable, hearsay.

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11/05/10 9:31 PM

#227738 RE: midtieroil #227729

I think it is unprofessional to ever record anybody without their knowledge and I will never do it under any circumstances. I guess my standards are higher than yours.
All you have to do is say is something like; I record my calls for future reference or something like that. It happens all the time in business. Who knows, they may have recorded the conversation themselves? I'm sure *your* standards are higher than anyone you have ever met or corresponded with.
The issues we have were clearly presented. I suggest you try reading it before you criticize it. That usually helps your understanding.
I don't recall criticizing the letter. Please show me where and when I have done that.
This letter was not from me it was from 60 some shareholders with over 45 million shares. They have chosen to ignore it. That, in itself, is incompetence.
Are you saying 60 some shareholders signed this letter? What specifically is it you want to know that you feel they are not telling you?
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11/08/10 11:34 AM

#227922 RE: midtieroil #227729


you said...The issues we have were clearly presented. I suggest you try reading it before you criticize it. That usually helps your understanding.
I don't recall criticizing the letter. Please show me where and when I have done that. I haven't seen the letter.
You are basically stating that I said or did something that I did not do. So... that makes me wonder if any of what you have been saying about your conversation with ERHC management is accurate. ie smith and jones. Since your standards are higher and superior to mine; I'm sure you will be able to produce the proof of my criticizing this letter.


...This letter was not from me it was from 60 some shareholders with over 45 million shares. They have chosen to ignore it. That, in itself, is incompetence.
Are you saying 60 some shareholders signed this letter?