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11/05/10 10:01 AM

#296 RE: Buckey #295

LOL, and it seems some of the original 'investors' are very unhappy with Smith.

By: knutknows
14 Oct 2010, 10:49 PM EDT
Rating: You rated it: Msg. 12508 of 12511
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Smith promised--in writing--to send me money by October 4, 2010. The money was a sort of compensation for a failed earlier investment.

I had every reason to believe that Smith would NOT fulfill his promise. After all, I believe he is, as I've said before, a pathological liar. I mean he is SICK!

However, in this case, I thought Smith just might be telling me the truth for the first time in nearly TEN YEARS. Why do I say this? Smith GUARANTEED that I would receive the money; he even promised to send me information I would find helpful to sue him if he failed!

What insane, perverse hubris--especially when I know now he never had any intention of sending me the money.

Think of it! The sick SOB SWEARS he is going to do something--and then blithely forgets all about it--and then denies ever making the promises--even though I have them in writing.

I am not a health professional--but it seems to me that Smith is a very sick man. Perhaps he suffers from A.D.D. and cannot remember one lie from another.

By: knutknows
21 Oct 2010, 07:26 AM EDT
Rating: You rated it: Msg. 12511 of 12511
(Reply to 12510 by fanito)
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FANITO--You are likely screwed . . .

If you do get to speak with Smith, insist on a CASH settlement.

Do not accept an IOU, promissory note, e-mail, notarized letter, or even a signed contract from Brian Smith. None of these typically binding legal forms means anything to Smith. Above all, do not accept his WORD--for that is utterly worthless.