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11/05/10 9:21 AM

#41059 RE: Ubertino #41058

What does Eva think of this vaccine?
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11/05/10 9:28 AM

#41060 RE: Ubertino #41058

"after receiving 3 doses of vaccine" yeah great. That's real practical in 3rd world countries where people may not have access to medical care and are lucky to ever see a medical practitioner, much less 3 times (never mind the expense-- they probably can't afford to pay either). Plus, with all the attendant dangers in vaccines (and please, we've already had the discussion several times where people say vaccines are safe, and then I post information about dangers with some vaccines, so let's not go there again) -- wouldn't you rather wait and see if you actually GET a disease, and then have a dose of 'cide to cure it, rather than have a vaccination that you probably don't need? I can see a big market for the vaccine, used by people who know that they are going to be traveling into dengue-laden areas, and don't want to take a chance. I can also see a big market for dengue-cide, to treat the people who got the disease.

My hope is that the 'cides are proven to be safe enough that there can be some sort of needle-less delivery system -- either a patch for absorption through the skin, or the air-pressure injectors. This would make it practical for non-medical personnel to administer the 'cide. I can see a situation where non-physicians, perhaps protected by the 3 vaccine injections back in their home city, could go to dengue-infected areas and administer the treatment to large numbers of people. Kinda like the National Guard going in to disaster areas....
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11/05/10 2:43 PM

#41089 RE: Ubertino #41058

The release date is Nov 4, and says they have just begun Phase III clinical trials in Australia, and then goes on to say:

"the results and details of the Australian study will be revealed at the 59th conference of the The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) which is being held in Atlanta from November 3 through November 7, 2010"

This timing doesn't seem to make sense.

I am encouraged by Dr. Seymour's note, though I do wish there were some information, no matter how broad, on the what, when and how he intends on "getting a drug approved" and why he thinks "it should be a helluva lot easier and faster than a vaccine."

But good news is good news.

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11/08/10 9:07 PM

#41207 RE: Ubertino #41058


NNVC needs to HURRY!
