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11/04/10 11:06 PM

#4552 RE: trevorbc #4551

We're ahead of those folks in the article
when it comes to MEG. Jabbour spoke about
it in his Japan talk, it's in Glass's
paper and Wong's Nano 104 powerpoint.
Jabbour even tossed in a way to improve
anyone's cell by 30% based on KAUST research
- it was almost like a gift to the science
community. If Solterra's declared 6% lab
efficiency did not include that improvement,
and I don't think it did, adding 30% brings
their solar cell to almost 8% efficiency.

Best of Both Worlds tells how they are
licking the intermediate band problem and
therefore the electron transport problem.
The T-QD makes that possible in a single
layer. We're ahead with CdSe over PbSe,
which that article says they are using,
we're ahead experimenting with different
hybrids using our patented process, we're
ahead in being able to mass-produce QD

While the scientists in the Voxtel article are
taking first steps, we've been there and
done that. The Tetrapod is a superior
shape, the conversion was 90+% at the
giddyap synthesis, and the mass-production
was given an extra 6 months time
to tweak from 90% to a higher number, IMO.

What don't we have? We don't have PRs.
That's it. You are here because you know
they will come when the company is ready
to issue them. If you look at the current
stickynotes, you could probably find a
dozen potential PRs in them.

That 13D/A yesterday is a sign they are coming.
I was impressed with the Bio and article about
MKM and the guy who runs it. His investments
have done pretty well in the last year.
He invested in Hague in Nov 08 with
Stephen Squires on lab reports and promises.

As Ih8aloss says, we are one day closer.
This is all my supposition, please do your
own DD and invest wisely.