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11/03/10 1:01 PM

#31162 RE: pendragon8062 #31155

Send back package with financials...that would be the appropriate response

NSE after 3+ years due to financials missing is BS!!!

he must think we are really idiots....

NSE is as simple as we dont beleive you prove it....we gave you IDE approval and you ignored now we are killing the whole application and forcing you down PMA...

consultant is going to walk in and say to big dean...file a PPM.....raise some cash and put a couple of these in the field (ie: remember they can sell these at cost also....they wont be gifts)

once you have proven technology working in the field...the share price will take care of itself and we can hammer this thing through FDA...SIMPLE

that is when Dean might take them aside and say one of two things

1) great he will call the PPM master raise the cash and away we go

2) we dont actually have a fully working device

if it is #2 Dean goes to jail....if it is #1 Dean gets rich

oh yea....Dean could ignore the consultant option...make excuses and BK the company hoping the dirty little secrets never come to light
