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Entangled Proton

11/03/10 1:17 AM

#5131 RE: Buddhasib #5129

I love it. I've never said anything bad about the people at Allied. They're humanitarians. Bryon writes for the local newspaper and Dale works for vegiworks. They support the local High School sport teams. Run a soup kitchen for the hungry. Dale runs a veterans referral service. And more. They were the first ones I contacted when I started investigating Parent.

That doesn't change who Parent is or what he does. He lures accredited investors in with promises of gold, takes their money, then leaves them hanging. If Parent can talk accredited investors into handing their money over, then why not Dale and Bryan too.
By appointing Bryon as President, if there are any charges filed, guess who goes to jail and has to post bond.

Did you read the settlement of shareholders vs Parent in the Fed court case. Guess who went to jail and had to post bond. It wasn't Parent. Same situation.