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11/01/10 5:32 PM

#114153 RE: F6 #114151

true... we already have adding machines that have souls more human than Dick Cheney.


11/01/10 6:33 PM

#114162 RE: F6 #114151

F6, cyber link to human to machine evolutionary link library, revisit .. lol ..

On we ever inhabiting other planets there is Goldilocks .. and, yup. big MAYBE long-shot options ..

Find Other habitable Planets or Face Extinction, Says Stephen Hawking
Monday August 16, 2010

In the future man will explore distant worlds, and create new Earths on rocks orbiting other Suns. At least, that's the future laid out in most science fiction novels. But will it really come to pass? According to renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, it is not merely a dream, but a necessary step if we hope to have any future at all.

In an interview with Big Think, Hawking notes that there have been times in our history when we have stood on the brink of annihilation, citing the Cuban missile crisis as one example. And with the rapid advance of technology and ever growing political contention these situations will only increase in frequency.

Hawking believes that if we do not achieve the ability to set up colonies in the next two centuries that mankind could face extinction at our own hand, never mind the natural or alien catastrophes that could occur in the interim.

He makes an interesting point; the same genetic tendencies, aggression and self-preservation, that allowed for our survival in more primitive times now leads to escalating conflict in more civilized times. Therefore, setting up colonies around the galaxy would strengthen the chances for survival of our race. Even if one planet experiences collapse, there would be others to carry on the torch of humanity.

Of course this is only a solution to an extinction problem, not a protection of Earth solution. I fear that we as a civilization of passed the point of no return on that front. There is too much aggression, diversion of ideology and deep running ire for long term peace to ever reign on Earth. And it is this state of events that will ultimately lead to our downfall, just as Hawking predicts. Maybe not in the next hundred years, or perhaps not even in the next thousand, but some day.

My issue with Hawking's assessment, therefore, is that simply leaving the planet will not quell these contentious circumstances. The fundamental issues will follow us to whatever planet we decide to inhabit. In short, I believe that if the downfall of man is, in fact, imminent in the next millennia that simply expanding to other worlds will not stave that destiny. It may postpone the inevitable, but the same problems will permeate through any colony whether here or on another world.

Luckily, then, I do not share the sense of urgency that Hawking laid out. I believe that humanity will live to fight on for centuries to come. Not forever, obviously, but I give us more than a hundred years or so. Which is good, because I also don't share Hawking's optimism that we could posses the technology to explore other worlds in the next two centuries.

I believe it entirely possible that we could set up a colony on Mars in Hawking's time frame, however the technological advancements that would be needed to leave our solar system are considerable. We don't yet even possess the theoretical understanding to make such interstellar travel possible. Of course, looking back 200 years, I doubt that the technology that we have today could have been comprehended. So I could very well be wrong (and I wholeheartedly hope that I am), but it seems very unlikely.

So what do you think? How imperative is it that man begin exploring other worlds? How much money should the government be willing to invest in technology that could make inhabiting other planets a reality? Sound off in the comments section below.


07/19/12 3:38 PM

#179888 RE: F6 #114151

As Humans and Computers Merge... Immortality?


Transcendent Man ..


Ray Kurzweil ..


See also:

ordinary, it's all interesting, though terrifyingly complex

that one is 3 click-on (not Klingon) stepping-stones downstream from the one this replies to ..