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10/31/10 11:20 AM

#74800 RE: ABIGIDIOT #74799

What happened to JBI being a JUGGERNAUT?
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10/31/10 11:32 AM

#74802 RE: ABIGIDIOT #74799

I agree with most of what you said except the share price will likely be below $.10 pretty quick. From here, I think it's just a race to see who can get out first. Realistically, this company is probably worth about $500K so less than a penny per share. Anything more than that is highly overvalued. I think what you will likely find is a bunch more optimistic messages followed by the share price continuing to tank while shares are unloaded. This P2O was a simple concept that the CEO made people think would be deployed over a year ago.

Remember when he balked at the permit taking months and said "weeks not months". Well once again he doesn't seem to feel the need to correct himself. This has happened repeatedly for over a year now. The CEO hypes up P2O, makes shareholders feel like it will be making money "soon" then fails to inform them that his predicitions are wrong once again. All the while shares are being dumped on the market. People need to understand that the early shareholders are in at a very cheap price. Dumping for anything is likely to yield them a profit so all they need is liquidity, the price doesn't really matter.

well, you could be correct. but, ballistic is a relative term. my thought is by the time we get it, we will be at around .25, or perhaps less.

in fact one poster here has speculated with some definitiveness, around .38. again, i say much lower.

at any rate, it goes "ballistic" when the permit hits, from .25 to .40, maybe .45. which, naturally is way below what it is currently.

then, the whole vicious cycle begins again.... on the brink of this, on the brink of that, wait for run tickets, wait for financials, wait for this, wait for that.

if, the permit ever comes, depending how long, i dont see this ultra piece of garbage burning garbage above .70 @ EOY. hope no one has high hopes otherwise.

i know mine have been dashed by the consistent BS that needs to be dealt with by the fledgling CEO, and has not been. oh, and of course the without fail daily 1..2...5 % knockdown in price, each and every day.

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10/31/10 11:38 AM

#74803 RE: ABIGIDIOT #74799

JBII went to $7 WITHOUT a Processor that was running. Now we have a production processor only waiting for a permit. With 2 more in the wings.

My thought is when the permit is issued, and production commences, $7 will be peanuts......but at the very least, announcement of the permit ALONE should result in a $3-5 share price.

When the first sales are announced it will increase the price even more.

Then when media spreads the word.....who knows.....but I predict a new 52 week high will easily be made.

Then with filings showing massive revenues guess where the price will go???

JBII will become the JUGGERNAUT of all time...........z
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10/31/10 5:46 PM

#74826 RE: ABIGIDIOT #74799

Naw I just dont think .25 is very likely unless, the BUD exemption fails..and I really dont see how it could given the parameters of the clause. I can see them pondering this for awhile justifying their dept.

But, while tax season is upon us, and the unknown cloud circles around concerning the time frame to production, I definitely see that .38 gap completely doable and I will bide my time and wait.

There is some support @50 and then the leg down is the gap..after that is support at .25.