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10/28/10 1:52 PM

#15424 RE: Deano361 #15421

sounds good to me Deano! .10 will look mighty good:)
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10/28/10 1:53 PM

#15426 RE: Deano361 #15421

Your so right Deano I am sure we still have a few weak ones here but they will clear and we will go and they will tell of their tale that got away
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10/28/10 1:54 PM

#15427 RE: Deano361 #15421

Yep the sooner they sell the sooner we go boom.I don't think we have to many sellers left below .01 After we break through that the next rally will hit.
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10/28/10 2:33 PM

#15453 RE: Deano361 #15421

Ya know, the reality of it is like this, There are a few different kinds of Investors, Some people just stick their money in a stock and let it sit there and sit there until the company gets the Revenue and Balance sheet it needs to support a much higher share price and Market-cap, then there are those that just jump from Momo Play to Momo Play and never leave much money in anything for very long, (Actually the smart way to trade in Pink Micros), and then there are people like myself, who do both, I have a certain amount of shares set aside for the Long-Haul, and then I have my Momo play money/shares. My Approach to Penny Stocks like Michelex, (There are VERY FEW Penny stocks I will Leave ANY Money in very Long), (Michelex is one of only a Handful I will Hold on to because of the Corrupt CEO's that Lie and Pump and Dump at the same time), But I believe that if you have a Penny/Micro stock "Rare Occasion" that you can Long Term Invest in, You should put some of your Money TO WORK, WORK SOME OF YOUR SHARES, PLAY THE HIGHS AND THE LOWS WITH AT LEAST 20-30% OF YOUR HOLDINGS IN THAT STOCK. I mean WHY NOT? You have Day traders coming and going all the time on a stock thats warming up, you might as well "INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF YOUR TOTAL SHARES BY SWINGING/FLIPPING SOME OF THEM ON THE RUN-UPS", Whats wrong with that? I don't understand the Mentality that some people have on a Penny Stock, when theres Volatility in the PPS, and you can double or triple your holdings by selling some when it runs up, and then Buy Back "ALOT MORE SHARES THAN YOU SOLD WHEN IT DROPS BACK DOWN", But some people think that your just supposed to let your money sit there and wait until it gets to .10 or .20? Why not put some of your Money to work for you? I take at least 20-30% of my total shares in the stock, and Play the Chart as well as the MM's, you can make A Lot of Money to buy MORE SHARES WITH, If you know what to watch for on Level 2, watching what the MM's do and more Importantly WHICH MM's, Some MM's are Almost "ALWAYS DISTRIBUTION OF NEW SHARES", When they sit on the ask. VFIN is a Perfect example of that. Thats my outlook on it anyways. You will make more money and have MORE SHARES TO HOLD, if you Put Some of your Money to work, it's not doing anything just sitting there, in fact, when your shares are just sitting there for months and months, "GUESS WHOS SHARES THE BIG ACCREDITED AND SOPHISTICATED TRADERS ARE BORROWING TO SHORT WITH???

They are the only Investors who can Short Penny Pink sheet stocks, us average Retail Traders could never short a stock like Michelex, You have to be Rich, I mean Major assets and Practically need to be Listed as a "Sophisticated Investor" to even short a Penny Stock, and Brokers like Scottrade, Etrade, Ameritrade, ect. They don't even allow anyone to short Penny Pinks. You have to Put up a certain amount of cash, (like a Bond, Kind of like Collateral), I think it's 1 and 1/2 Times the Amount you want to short and you have to have a "NET WORTH" of a certain amount I believe. I think thats right anyways? I forget, it's been so long since I've talked about that I forgot exactly what you have to do, but it's something like that. I really Doubt that with what Michelex has going on, that anyone is Stupid enough to short this stock in the first place, not at .01 thats for sure.