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10/28/10 12:29 AM

#12315 RE: Alleyba1 #12313

don't you think that constitutes "inside" information?

No, there has been a PR that they are getting the money, it's pretty public information. If he said, "Don't tell anyone, but you might want to load up on Friday, because we are announcing the money on Monday." then THAT would be inside info.

I heard a rumor that part of the dilution was to pay expenses, including but not limited to, the liability policy for the BOD which cost $40k-50K

really? where? That hasn't been PR'd, that sounds a lot more like inside info to me.

Sanford and Son said they would get a 15-20% management fee

I believe that was covered here:

in closing the passing of information by JB to certain individuals could be construed as "inside" information

The passing of information? Are you joking? If you call John B. up on the phone, or email him and ask him if we are getting the money, and he answers the question, "yes we are getting the money"; you're telling me that somehow is "insider information".

those people that bought off of his promises and definitive statements may have a very legitimate claim against Sanford and Son.

Those people should take a long hard look in the mirror. If every investor who bought stock in ANY company based on "promises, and definitive statements" as their primary basis for the purchase, then turned around and made claim against the management of said company if they failed to deliver, then we wouldn't have much of a market; would we? The risk is part of the game isn't it? If every company that went public was able to execute everything as planned and PR'd, exactly as they promised every time- there would be no need whatsoever to do any DD on any investment ever. You could just pick any company and buy shares; solely because the management said they would be successful. That's not how it works and you know it. You do you're best to gather information, do DD, weigh the risk vs. reward scenario, and then make a decision to buy or not to buy. When to get in and when to get out. Where's the bottom?, what's my entry point going to be? what's my exit point going to be? If you had all these elements decided on before you bought IPWG, and then when the possibility of great profit seemed likely; you veered away from your strategy and didn't follow your plan, how is that any better than what you are accusing management of? In the end, each of us is responsible for our own decisions. Own them, they are yours. If a SH stayed in too long, and didn't take profit along the way, who's fault is it? They held it because it's human nature- to want more than what you have already. Don't get me wrong; I'm in the same boat. I was up 75% over and above my original investment at one point, but I didn't sell any because I wanted 80, 90, 100%...had I sold some when it was @.0024, I'd have made some nice $$$ cha-ching $$$, and I'd be buying shares for free right now. I didn't sell because I had (have) every reason to believe the were (are) getting the money, and because that's what I believe(d); I was more worried that if I sold, I'd miss out on something if it ran up after I sold. That was MY decision, even though it was based on rumor,PR's, and even "his promises and definitive statements", I was still the one who made the decision to hold, I remain glad that I did, in spite of the fact that currently I am in the red on this one.