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10/27/10 4:36 PM

#199845 RE: makesumgravy #199807


You mentioned Gates plans to give 90% of it away when he dies?. Philanthropy was something that was created for those who have obtained wealth by dishonest means, and its a great diversion tactic, but it doesn't change anything. The money that Gates has raked in is from shareholders, and everyday investors, money that's not his nor ever has been his to give away. Its nothing more than legal corruption.

One great concept are businesses that are employee owned, everyone plays a role in how well the company does, thats one great incentive for making money, and more of it.

All I can say is "wow". You say that Gates did "nothing" to earn his wealth?? That he earned it "dishonestly"?? The money is not his to give away??

Sorry, but there are no words to even begin a conversation with such thinking. I have actually posted here that there is a growing dichotomy between executives who get 10's of millions in bonuses while the ordinary worker gets relatively little, but your selection of Gates is mind boggling to me. Gates was the driving force in the creation of Microsoft. He wrote most of the early code, and guided the company through all its growth. If that is not "earning" his money, I don't know what is.

You need to go to a wholly communist country (if you can find one) -- that is the only way you will ever be happy. Actually, though, there has never been a truly communist society -- what you are looking for is an economy where all companies begin under a capitalist system, then at some point are transferred into a purely communist system. There has never been, nor will there ever be, such an economic system.

mlsoft (still dumbfounded by your thinking)