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10/26/10 2:06 PM

#107255 RE: rwwine #107252

Re: Factor V Leiden

7 years later from my original post regarding DVT's and Factor V Leiden. To date I have only had one DVT behind my left knee thank heavens and that was how personally found out I had this inherited trait. To date as far as I know, there is nothing on the market for those of us that have this trait can take to prevent future DVT's. Perhaps this is an indication that could someday be addressed.

CRXL had a Factor V Leiden-Cambridge program that was “suspended” in 2008 due to unspecified technical difficulties. From #msg-29237602:

Blood Coagulation Factor VL/C: Preclinical work on this program continues but conclusive proof of concept is not expected in the near future.

The art of the understatement! On the 1Q08 CC, CRXL executives said the program would no longer be funded. If JNJ buys proceeds with the CRXL buyout, perhaps the program will be reactivated.